Emergency Response Procedure
OHS Solutions prepares people to handle emergency situations through training and establishing Emergency Response Procedures, focusing on the actions to be taken by the Emergency Control Organisation (ECO) and all occupants.

OHS Solutions Emergency Response Procedure document prescribes the emergency response procedures for a building and for the following types of emergencies in general:
- Building invasion/armed intrusion;
- Bushfire, Earthquake, Fire, Flood;
- Severe weather/storm damage;
- Chemical, biological and radiological;
- Civil disorder, Terrorism; Bomb threat;
- Cyclones, including storm surge;
- Hazardous substances incidents;
- Toxic emission; Letter bomb;
- Industrial accident, Structural instability;
- Medical emergency, Transport accident;

However, Emergency Response Procedure document does provide more specific procedure for the following types of emergencies:
- Fire;
- Bomb Threat;
- Improvised Explosive Devices;
- Earthquake;
- Civil Disorder;
- Armed Confrontation; or
- Airborne Contaminants.
The Emergency Response Procedure document also supports the ongoing skill maintenance activities for the Emergency Control Organization. The document is designed to comply with the recommendations of Australian Standard 3745-2002 Emergency Control Organisation and procedures for buildings, structures and workplaces as well as State and Territory legislation.
A document such as this, complemented by a trained Emergency Control Organisation is an accepted process to maximise life safety should an emergency situation occur.
Let OH&S Solutions provide your company, building or owners corporation with compliant emergency response procedures. Contact us for a quote today