Acute Workplace Injuries
Our group has vast experience in the treatment of acute and chronic work injuries. We focus on rapid return to work for the injured worker in either full capacity or limited capacity.
Close liaison with the injured worker’s supervisor is required to determine available duties. The Job Site Analysis (JSA) is utilised to understand the intrinsic requirements of the job.
The key to rapid rehabilitation is rapid effective treatment. Our treatment protocol is based on the current most successful rehabilitation model in the world, the Millard Model with initial assessment provided by either a General Practitioner, with rapid referral either a Chiropractor, Physiotherapist or Occupational Therapist depending on the type of injury.
Active rehabilitation techniques utilizing core strengthening exercises are utilized. Outcome measures are also used to determine patient improvement.
Chronic Workplace Injuries
The treatment of chronic work injuries are based on the most up to date treatment protocols. The literature tells us that factors other than the injury are actively associated with chronic patients and these must be resolved to change the course of the injury.
Psych -Social Factors such as:
- Relationships at work
- Mental illness such as depression
- Drug abuse
- Family factors