Pre-Employment Functional Exam
A Pre-Employment Functional Exam provides a baseline health assessment for a worker before they enter a role with an employer. The assessment assists with risk management and identifies whether a worker is medically suitable in the role in which they are applying. The examination is conducted by an allied health professional with training in occupational health and an understanding of the inherent physical and mental requirements to safely complete the employment role.
For more information on what to expect and how to prepare for the assessment

Blood Pressure





Doctors Review Of Medical

Peripheral Vision

Oral and ear





Nervous System

Functional Testing
Audiometry Assessment (Hearing test)
It is a statutory requirement under AS/NZS 1269 4:2005 for workers who use personal hearing protectors to undergo an Audiometry Assessment before they commence their role, and to continue to do so every two years. Our assessments will provide a baseline hearing test to limit liability for future hearing loss claims, as well as monitor the impact of long-term
Musculoskeletal Functional Assessment
A Musculoskeletal Assessment provides an evaluation of the condition and function of a worker’s musculoskeletal health, lifting capabilities and any injuries that may impact on their ability to safely perform the inherent requirements of their job.
Spirometry Assessment (air flow)
A Spirometry Assessment measures the degree of airflow abstruction. This Assessment is often used to assess asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and a number of other lung diseases.