Preparing For Your Functional Assessment

OHS Solutions has been appointed to provide a functional assessment on behalf of your prospective employer.
The main purpose of this assessment is to determine your suitability to effectively perform the tasks involved with the role you have applied for and to ensure this can be achieved without risk to yourself or others.
OHS Solutions does not make the final determination about your suitability to be employed. This is at the sole discretion of the prospective employer and OHS Solutions will not know if you have been successful with your proposed employment.
What do I need to bring?
- Photo identification which must contain full name and date of birth e.g., driver’s license, passport or government issued ID. Photocopies, emailed versions or photos on a digital device are not acceptable. If you do not have suitable identification, your appointment may need to be rescheduled
- Prescription glasses or contact lenses if required
- Hearing Aids (if you wear hearing aids, we request you to bring your most recent audiologist report)
- If you take prescription or labeled medication, bring the prescription or labeled medication package
- Current medical reports for any health conditions you may have
- Vaccination records, if available
What do I wear?
How long will the assessment take?
The complexity of the assessment will influence how long it takes. Below is an indication of how long the assessment may take:
- Standard medical inc Drug Alcohol Screen (DAS), Audiometry & Musculoskeletal screen and fitness test 1.5 hrs.
- Please be at the clinic 15 min before your appointment time if you are later than the appointment time the examiner may not be able to complete the exam on that day.
These timings may vary from clinic to clinic, and should an unexpected emergency arrive at the clinic this will take priority over booked appointments
As our clinics perform a variety of medicals requiring different and sometimes complex components, you may not necessarily been seen in the reception staff.
What to expect on the day of the assessment?
It is recommended that you arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time to ensure you have enough time to complete all necessary paperwork required.
Upon arrival you will be asked to present your photo ID and complete a questionnaire related to your medical history. This will included questions about your physical and mental both current and previous conditions, we encourage you to answer these questions honestly.
Basic screening for the physical assessment includes; blood pressure, height, weight, vision, urinalysis(this is not a DAS screen), this will be conducted with a nurse or screener.
The Doctor will review your medical history questionnaire, peripheral vision, oral and ear, respiratory, cardiovascular, abdominal, skin, nervous system and musculoskeletal functional examination
During the assessment you may be required to remove items of clothing down to your underwear to allow examining health professional to assess your joints, neck, spine, chest and upper and lower abdomen. This may include examination for hernias or other abnormalities which will require the doctor to palpate your lower abdomen. You may request a gown and/ or a chaperone.
Once all services have been completed the results reviewed by the assessing Doctor and a final determination issued to the requestor of the assessment, within 24 – 48 hours.
Preparing for the assessment on the day
Carefully check your confirmation email for the activity(s) you have been booked for, to see if any of the preparations below apply to your assessment. For the best possible outcome we recommend the following preparations
AUDIOMETRY HEARING TESTThe audio exam may be at a separate clinic
Avoid exposure to loud noises such as loud music, riding a motorbike, or traveling in an airplane for at least 16 hours before the test.
On the day you will be asked to sit wearing headphones and to indicate to the screener when you hear variations in sound intensity and pitch, involving thresholds and differing frequencies.
Note: If you have a cold or ear wax build-up we may not be able to complete the audio on the day and will need to reschedule.
Urine Drug Screens
You will be asked to provide a urine sample, during which time you may be supervised when providing the sample.
Bring a list of medications both prescription and non-prescription you may have taken in the last 30 days.
Prior to the DAS you will be asked to remove any jackets, bulky items of clothing and empty your pockets and your belongings securely stored.
Sometimes the results may require confirmatory testing which includes additional paperwork this doesn’t necessarily mean the result is positive.
This is a physical assessment conducted by an allied health professional or a doctor.
Ensure you provide copies of current reports for any ongoing medical conditions you may have.
Bring you prescription glasses if worn.
Personal examinations, such as breast exams, prostate exams etc. are not part of employment medical assessments.
Musculoskeletal & Fitness Assessment
Musculoskeletal & Fitness Assessment
Avoid rigorous exercise, caffeine, and smoking for optimal performance.
You will be required to undertake a series of exercises to assess, range of motion, flexibility, upper body and core strength, lower limb function, lifting technique, and general fitness.
Wear loose comfortable clothing and closed-in footwear.