OHS Training and Education
A wide variety of OHS training and education programs are available for your staff to ensure compliance with current OHS legislation.
Manual Handling Training:
- Our manual handling training course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to safely undertake manual handling tasks and reduce the risk of injury. Our consultants are able to deliver a generic or individualised manual handling training session at your workplace. Examining the workplace allows our trainers to design the training session around actual workplace tasks. By providing real life manual handling tasks, the training session becomes far more interesting and your staff learn how to apply manual handling skills to reduce the risk of injury.
- Our programs have theoretical and practical components so participants gain a full understanding of the subject matter and are able to apply what they have learned in the workplace.
- Our trainers: All manual handling training is delivered by qualified health care professionals with extensive experience in the management of musculo-skeletal injuries and certified in Workplace Training and Assessment.
- Certificates: All participants receive a certificate on completion of the training.

Occupational Noise training :
- Teach your staff about the dangers of noise and industrial deafness in your workplace
- Understand the obligations of Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2004
- What is noise
- How do we hear noise
- Hearing damage
- How do we measure noise
- Noise levels
- Exposure times
- Control methods assessment
Understanding Employers Obligations for the Safe Use of Hazardous Substances :
- This course outlines the management of safe and compliant use of Hazardous Substances in the Workplace.
- Includes -understanding the duty holders obligations
- Preparing material safety data sheets
- Use and application of labels
- Performing risk assesments
- Understanding the heirarchy of control
- Obligations in regard to atmosheric testing and health surveillance
Office Ergonomics :
- Teaches computer users how to set up their workstation and office environment according to best practise ergonomic principles.
- Highlights how poor posture and lack of movement contributes to the development of typical occupational injuries such RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury), now known as OOI (Occupational Overuse Injury), neck and shoulder pain, tension headaches and mechanical low back pain. The session shows participants how to recognise these clinical syndromes and provides strategies to effectively combat and correct them.
- Participants are required to analyse examples of poor workstation setups and make the required ergonomic changes to the workstation

Violence and Bullying in the Workplace :
- This course provides employers and employees the changes that have occurred from a legislative and compliance point of view in regard to workplace violence and bullying.
- Detailed cases are discussed and presented on what and what is not deemed bullying.
- Employer and employee obligations are presented in dealing with bullying and workplace violence.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace :
- This informative course discusses the current legislative obligations of employers and employees in relation to sexual harassment in the workplace.
- We look at the test for sexual harassment, single and multiple incidents
- We discuss legal cases and outcomes
- The course looks at what employers are legislatively required to provide to prevent sexual harassment in their workplace
For more information on the required training, please contact OHS Solutions at 1300 609 983
OHS and Metal Welding Safety :
- This informative course looks at current obligations of employers under the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004
- Hazards associated with metal welding are discussed in detail
- Manual Handling
- Fire,explosion and radiation
- Electric shock
- This course sets out an employers obligations in the relation to metal welding in the workplace
OHS Duty of Care Training :
- This detailed presentation informs directors and supervisors of their obligations under the Victorian OHS Act 2004
- Understanding key sections of the Act
- Obligations in regard to contractors
- Health and Safety Committees Discrimination
- ARREO (Unions)
- Incidents
- Licenses and Permits
- Inspectors and Enforcement
- Improvement Notices
- Prohibition Notices
- Penalties
- Developing an OHS Management System.
Job Safety and Environment Training (JSEA) :
- This lively session looks at
- Understanding the Risk Management process
- Explaining to others why JSEA’s are important
- Recognizing how the JSEAs can be a valuable planning, production, and safety tool
- Understanding the process and be confident to complete a JSEA
- Recognizing where Safe Work Procedures are required
Understanding the Changes associated with the Model Health and Safety Act :
- This informative session on the new national legislation looks at-
- Harmonisation
- Duty holders
- Duty of Care Consultation (HSCs and HSRs)
- Right of Entry
- The Regulator
- Penalties
Understanding RTW obligations and Best Practise Client Management for Supervisors :
- Understanding the three new compliance codes for RTW managment
- Implementing the best practice in helping injured employees get back in to workforce as soon as possible
- The cousre looks at common injury and rehabilitation scenarios, understanding the issues associated with the injured client, the treating health professional and the RTW supervisor.