Workplace Evaluations and Assessments
OH&S Solutions safety practitioners complete workplace evaluations to not only assess compliance with OHS law but seek to understand the current workplace climate. Safe workplaces have an OHS climate that comes from upper level management down to the factory floor. Promotion of a safe work environment by management is the key to a successful transition to an OHS compliant workplace. Safety in the workplace in Victoria has seen many legislative changes recently to improve its safety record, this includes the new Workplace manslaughter legislation (since 1 July 2020), which is now a jailable offence for employers and managers that control workplaces.
Worksite assessments are critical for treating health professionals to understand exactly how the injured worker completes their job tasks and is critical for all successful return to work programs. The assessment may identify any risk factors that may place the injured employee at risk of any physical, psychosocial injury or illness. They are used to determine whether workplace modifications or job redesign is required to support the return to work program.
A walk through evaluation can provide the assessor with an understanding of the current level of OHS compliance of the company. Advice can provided with regard to non-compliance to legislation, regulations, compliance codes, codes of practise, Australian standards and existing hazards which the management may or may not be aware of.
On site visits and walk throughs can provide insights to not only our practitioners, but also to company management.
Workplace Evaluations and Assessment can provide:
- Risk Assessment of workplace hazards
- Compliance to current Victorian OHS legislation and regulations
- Compliance with Codes of practice and compliance codes
- Compliance with company OHSMS (Safety Map, AS4801)
- Ergonomic advice and assessments
- Employee duty assessment for return to work programs
All of the above can be provided by a group of allied health practitioners.